
Caffeine Wean and Pre-TTC Updates

Caffeine Wean 2012 is so far a succes. I don't feel like I'm drinking as much as I would on a regular day. Where I would normally have 5-8 glasses of tea a day (depending on how much I snacked) and at least 2 or 3 Dr. Peppers, I have had about 5 glasses of water a day, and they usually last me a while. I find it incredibly hard to drink water the way I do anything else. It's so... unsatisfying and bland! And I get nauseated if I drink too much of it. Weird, huh?

Here are some annoying symptoms I've been experiencing so far (just 3 days into this detox):
  • Intense Headache. Usually starts behind my eyes and blares until I'm sensitive to light and sound. Only cure for it is Tylenol (because I'm also weaning ibuprofen). So far, I've been able to manage the headaches since I'm still allowing myself a glass of tea a day. 
  • Extreme Fatigue. This is like, fatigue that outdoes that TOTM fatigue I get... This is really bad. This is me sitting up watching TV and feeling the urge to completely fall over and sleep, which I've done on many occasions. I'll pass out on the couch with no recollection of having laid down or drifting to sleep. I feel very sluggish and tired just walking across the house.
  • Irritability. I've been very testy and Alex isn't afraid to point it out. The other day, he was giving Ares a bath and I heard all the commotion and got extremely upset that he wasn't doing a better job keeping him detained. So, the yelling started. Then when he asked what was wrong, I told him to just leave me alone and get away from me. I was so irritated that I wasn't able to figure out the sewing machine and when it jammed the thread again, I ripped out the fabric, breaking the needle in half.. 
  • Lethargy and Sadness. I had had absolutely no motivation to do anything. Just thinking about doing something makes me tired. And I have almost lost the will to be happy right now. I think the fatigue and this go hand in hand, but I'm classifying them as different symptoms.
  • Flu-Like Symptoms and Muscle Stiffness. My arms and legs are sore and it hurts to move. I feel nauseated and have been having attacks of what I call "1 hour flu symptoms" Seriously... I run a fever, my muscles ache, I have a stuffy nose and a sore throat. Then suddenly.. like magic, it all disappears and I feel normal again. It's so strange!
How strange that all of this can be caused by simply not having a steady intake of caffeine?

On, the other hand, this is a great step in the right direction towards Trying To Conceive. Though we won't for just a couple of more months, I've already been taking the necessary steps to make it easier. I started Prenatal vitamins, Take my BBT every morning, and check my CM. I've also been eating healthier and kicking bad habits (caffeine and alcohol). I have made Alex start taking a 1 a day Vitamin as well! I think with all these, we shouldn't have a problem :-)

Have a happy January! (P.S. My B-day is in 2 weeks :D)

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