
My alternative pregnancy decisions!

So, I've been doing a lot of research in the past few days since we will be trying soon to have a baby and I've found a few things that I would love to do with my first baby. I don't really care to hear how anyone feels about the topics, but my husband and I have made the decisions based on our personal lifestyles! Maybe you didn't even know that these methods existed and you'll, at the very least, see all the options available to you!

1. We will be using cloth diapers and wipes.
I'm not going to get into a spew about how I believe they will make me a better mother than a disposable diaper mom, but I do believe they are better FOR US. In the long run, they are cheaper than buying disposable. They are one size fits all, so you won't be wasting any diapers when baby outgrows them. You can reuse them from baby to baby, and just imagine how many disgusting disposable diapers are in a landfill? They take up to 500 years to decompose! ;-) My favorite so far is FuzziBunz! I also found a tutorial online on how to make my own baby wipes, so I'll be doing that as well!

2. I want to make my own baby food.
Again, the less waste the better. And I would love to know what is going into my baby's food. If I make it, there's not guessing game! My plan is to buy a Baby Brezza and personally make baby Young's food. I'm sure once she's done breast feeding, it'll be good to continue eating healthy foods!

3. I will exclusively BF and do baby-led weaning.
I think it's baby Young's decisions on when he/she will want to move to solids or baby food. I read that there are lots of signs to show you your baby is ready to move into food, and I think it's great to let them make that decision. Until then, I will breast feed for sure. This is one of those things I have promised myself from the beginning. If it kills me, I will make sure I am able to. I'm sure it hurts, I'm sure it is hard and I'm sure there are always some problems, but I will try everything in my power to make sure I can breast feed.

4 and finally... I will have a home birth.
I won't get into the specifics, but this has been decided for a while as well. I would just much rather give birth in the comforts of my own home. I trust my body to deliver a baby naturally because that's what it was meant to do. Why stress me and the baby out more and why drop everything and ride to the hospital while in labor? I don't care how many times I'm ridiculed for this, NO HOSPITAL FOR ME! :-)

These are very important to me and I cannot wait to finally put them into play! I'm so excited about trying to conceive in a couple of months! I used a chinese calendar to predict the gender and it looks like I have a boy in my forecast IF we get pregnant in the month we want! <3<3<3

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