
Early New Years Resolutions and Realizations

Hi everyone! So, it's been a long time since my last confession, but in my defense, it's been a very busy couple of weeks. I have made many self discoveries. One of them being that I love and HATE crafting. Since I've been out of work, I have managed my time appropriately. I made some ornaments, made a few burlap roses for my homemade garland, bought and wrapped presents, made homemade bows and ribbons for these presents, and cleaned the house up every time afterwards. Seriously, it's a huge burden to constantly have to clean up after myself every stinkin' time I make something. This brings me to my "love to hate crafting" explanation and beginning of my realizations:

Realization #1: You have to be a serious hoarder to be a crafter.
I am the anti-hoarder. I can't stand for things to lay around the house without a purpose. So yesterday when I had a nervous breakdown because I don't have any space for my new hobby, I decided that crafting probably isn't for everyone. It's for people with spare rooms that they can dedicated to it. 

That brings me to realization #2: We have seriously outgrown our house.
...No, seriously. This little 1000 sq ft house has served as a wonderful place to grow into. It was our first house, we got married while we lived here, we have had many great times in this house, but I think it's run its course. Next year, we will be putting it on the market and buying a new one. Speaking of new houses..

Realization #3: I don't want to live in Fayetteville anymore
I've been spending a LOT of time in Rogers/Bentonville, and my husband and I have decided it's probably best if we stay in the area. My dream home in Maine will have to wait until another lifetime I suppose. It just takes an infinite amount of money and time to move that far away. We were also thinking Texas or Colorado, but I am just tired. I'm tired of constantly having something to work towards that's almost unreachable. I would really like to mellow out, settle down, and live in the present for once. No more big dreams for this girl. A baby soon? Yes! Stay tuned. :)

Realization #4: College isn't for everyone.
In order to accomplish what I want out of life right now, it was imperative that I lose the main thing taking up my time/mind/body/spirit: School. I have enough credits to have a bachelors degree, and that's good enough for me. I have an associates in Graphic Design and just enough credits to have a Bachelor's of the Arts in Biology. I'll take it. I've accomplished and learned many things in my 4 years of school, but the most important thing is that a degree is pretty much absolutely useless. So far, my education hasn't given me the right to demand raises or work important jobs. All it's given me the right to say is that I went to college and I'm in so much debt it hurts. But, at least I went to college, right?

Realization #5: I love the veterinary field enough to make a career out of it.
Enough said :-)

So, thanks 2011, for helping me realize all these things. Now the next step is making resolutions for 2012! Most of which are already made. No big explanations necessary!

1. Be a better Christian and be more active with Church.
2. Eat healthier. Yes. I mean it. I want to also BE healthier. It's important for baby making!
3. Really dedicate myself to something (a job, a hobby, my husband *snicker*)
4. Be more understanding and less sensitive
and, last but not least at all:
5. Wean myself from Facebook

So, that's all I have for today! What are some of YOUR realizations and resolutions? What are you B-L-E-S-S-E-D with today? I'd love to hear it!

Merry Christmas!

"I'm very proud to be a Christian. I'm very VERY blessed to have Jesus in my life :-)"

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